COMMISSIONS: Baby Duda: a year in the life of a Zika baby: 18-20170315zika0413

MARCH 15, 2017 -- Physical therapist Mayra Barata works on Baby Duda's posture at a physical therapy session at Oswaldo Cruz University Hospital, in Recife. Miriam and Cleane waited nearly 3 hours this session. They arrive early to be the first in line to meet with therapists. During this time, they catch up with other mothers who have children with zika-related microcephaly, and share their knowledge and discoveries as their babies encounter changing health issues. They talk about the latest concerning issue now, hydrocephaly - when there's too much water in the brain.

MARCH 15, 2017 -- Physical therapist Mayra Barata works on Baby Duda's posture at a physical therapy session at Oswaldo Cruz University Hospital, in Recife. Miriam and Cleane waited nearly 3 hours this session. They arrive early to be the first in line to meet with therapists. During this time, they catch up with other mothers who have children with zika-related microcephaly, and share their knowledge and discoveries as their babies encounter changing health issues. They talk about the latest concerning issue now, hydrocephaly - when there's too much water in the brain.